Thank you so much for visiting Parenting with Hope and Humor! This site is dedicated to parents everywhere who could use a little hope and humor on the home front because let's face it, parenting is hard. And in a world where life is hard enough, what if you could find a way for parenting to be less hard and more fun? What if you could spend less time playing amateur dentist pulling teeth to get your teen to do their chores? What if you could focus your energy enjoying time with your kids instead of practicing your litigation skills with them when they are attempting to argue with you over homework or curfew?
As an Independent Facilitator of Becoming a Love and Logic Parent® Curriculum, let me assure you, there is hope and humor on the horizon. As someone with over 20 years experience with children, parents, and families, let me assure you, hope and humor is necessary. May you find some of both here.
I love this! How do I sign up? Does this work with nieces and nephews as well?